It revolves around an email process whereby those publishers who have registered for the protocol are able to contact other publishers who have not cited exclusive...
The future of work is still in flux as agencies experiment with new ways to retain both talent and company culture. For TBWANEBOKO, the answer lies...
It's one thing to produce nanoscale devices, but it's another to study and improve on them — they're so small they can't reflect enough light to...
Never mind 3D-printing organs — eventually, the material could have a life of its own. Phys.orgreports scientists have developed a "living ink" you could use to...
HBO Max has uploaded another alternative DC Comics movie cut, but it won't brag about this one. As CBR and The Verge note, WarnerMedia comms executive...
When Spotify announced its stripped down Car View mode in 2019, it seemed like a smart way to prevent drivers from being distracted on the road....
Wearables are getting to be as ubiquitous as smartphones, but that also means companies like Apple and Samsung are making better and more expensive devices. Regardless...
Parenthood, while constantly entertaining, is also one of the most eye-ball meltingly frustrating experiences I’ve personally ever had. At the end of the day, I do...
LG has appointed a new CEO to lead its electronics business. Starting December 1st, current Chief Strategy Officer William Cho will take over for Bong-seok Kwon...